Tom Smith
I had the pleasure on Tuesday night of speaking to a load of UNIQ chemistry students in Christ Church College, Oxford
A really worthwhile project – happy to support it
Just finished reading my good friend Charlie Revelle-Smith’s new novel – The Ruins of San Francisco. Not being a great fiction reader (as those who know me will appreciate) I must say I enjoyed this book a lot – well worth the price of the Kindle edition!
See also
Well done Charlie
Oxford University have just published the video of my presentation to the Alumni weekend in September 2013
I hope you enjoy it – no real demonstrations this time (the lab wouldn’t allow it)!
As always – if you enjoyed the lecture he is a plug for the book – see !
Happy New Year
A friend of mine, Charlie Revelle-Smith, has published 3 books and is completing a 4th.
Those of you who know me will realise I’m not much of a fiction reader – but these caught my imagination, and at the price they are on Kindle, well worth a read
Follow him on Twitter to keep up to date with the next book – “The Ruins of San Francisco” and have a read of his reviews of the many many adaptations of Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol” – I never could have imagined there would be so many!
In a desperate attempt to be enthusiastic about walking I’ve decided to do the walk around the lake on regular occasions, taking images from the same spot in differing conditions with the intention of writing a guide/photo book.
Have a look at for photos as the collection progresses (and eventually – for more details)
A few pictures from my two presentations at the Royal Institution
Many thanks to Charlie Smith and Chris Bishop. The lectures were first to 440 school kids (incredibly noisy lot) and the second talk was to 400+ more adult (family) audience. I don’t think I disgraced myself, and didn’t set light to the RI (although I did get close) – so hopefully I may get invited back one day